Monday, September 9, 2013

Dancing Wires ~~


First day of class , first module , 3D Fundamentals , our lecturer , Mr Alvin Tan showed us videos of three different types of dances. He told our class to just sketch whatever we see on the video. I still remembered that our entire class was stunned. Mainly because that was the first day of school and most of my classmates just came back from super long holidays (just like me) and the speed of the dances were incredible especially the second video that he showed us. I would not not forget that video , when he showed the class , most of us were like "oh my god , what the hell is this" because of the sheer SPEED of the dance. And then we need to convert those sketches into a wire sculpture. Three small sculptures and a big final one. This process was fun and enjoyable just that the wire was a bit too hard , fingers hurt. We had a review session whereby everyone brings his or her work to school and they were stunning! The curves and looks of those sculptures were great. Personally , I'm happy with what I did because I redid the final sculpture thrice , before I had it right. I think most of the Dancing Wires made by the class are a work of art because me and my classmates all scarified our time and money into these sculptures and i think they should be appreciated and NO ART FORM IS UGLY in my opinion. So , these are my Dancing Wires ~~~ :)

Prototype 1 
Prototype 2 
Prototype 3

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